Due Tomorrow? Do Tomorrow.

3 min readNov 16, 2020
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Today, I’m here to tell you why procrastination is actually good for you. Oftentimes, we get caught up in the cult of productivity. Now it is time to free yourself from constantly working on something that does not really matter in the grand scheme of things and work on yourself instead.

Tomorrow Isn’t Promised… and Neither is the Rest of Today

Oh so you have blank due in x amount of time from now, so you start to obsess and panic over an event that has yet to occur. I want to remind you that the only time we have is now. We do not know what the future has in store for us. A lot can happen over the course of a few minutes. We have constantly been reminded that tomorrow isn’t promised, but what has been neglected to be mentioned is neither is the rest of today. What you accomplished in preparation for tomorrow will not matter if you do not get through today. Does it matter that your homework is done three weeks in advance if you are unhappy today? Don’t let today pass you by as you are so busy focusing on the future. Enjoy today to the fullest extent. Spend quality time with those you love and take care of your needs. Our time on this planet is limited, so do yourself a huge favor and enjoy the life that you have while you still have it. It is such a wonderful joy to experience life in all of its glory. So now you have a choice to make… do you want to live your life simply working and achieving goals or do you want to live your life on your own terms? Now, I am not telling you to be a couch potato for the rest of your life, although a good couch potato moment is necessary every now and then, but I am asking you to fully enjoy the present moment and not get too caught up in deadlines.

Wait, Hold On, We Are Human Beings

Okay, so I may have gone a bit overboard. While it is important to be a responsible person and meet important deadlines, do not let your life merely be a real-life checklist of never-ending to-do’s. What I am getting at is we are forgetting that we are human beings and not human doings. If our purpose was solely to be productive entities, we would all be robots engineered to be skilled in efficiency. Part of being a human being is carving out the necessary time for human connection and interaction. Although this pandemic has somewhat altered, or in some instances, significantly altered our ability to interact with each other, we all have the ability to change certain aspects of our lives to fill the void of essential interaction with one another.

Personal Fulfillment: A Better You

Now that we have covered the interpersonal aspect, let’s focus on the counterpart, intrapersonal: the self. As important as interaction with others is, it is vital to our sanity and well-being to constantly be in the flow of giving back to ourselves. Today, I challenge you to take 1 hour to work on yourself. Use your intuition to determine what that means for you. It may be working on a passion project or reading a book on self-development. It may be freeing yourself from an addiction. It may be taking the time to sit with your emotions or jotting down all the creative ideas you have. What can you possibly do today that will fill your heart with joy? Now, do this daily and imagine the amount of positive change you will experience. In one year, you will have devoted 365 hours of nourishing yourself and enriching your life with all of the happiness and fulfillment you have been desiring. Continue this process for a lifetime, and you will have the most successful life according to your own terms.




I just want to make the world a better place through my writing.