Take the Risk

3 min readAug 26, 2020
Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

Release your inhibitions. If you are looking for a sign to follow your passions, this is it. What is holding you back? Self-doubt, fear of the unknown, fear of disappointment? Release all of the things that are bringing you down and crippling you with an overwhelming sense of doom. Take some time to acknowledge the feelings that are restricting you, really feel them, but do not get bogged down by them. Now that you have allowed yourself to experience your most troubling emotions, it is time to say goodbye to them.

After releasing the excess weight that once held control over your inner desires, you will begin to feel freedom. With this newfound sense of freedom, you will be able to finally propel forward toward reaching all of the personal milestones that you have set for yourself. You have complete control over the course and direction your life takes. You have a brand new start. Your past no longer defines you. The failures of others who previously pursued the same endeavors as you but failed to achieve what they wanted also does not define you. Just because they were unsuccessful does not mean that you too will have the same fate. Remember that they chose to believe they would not be successful, and as a result of this, they have chosen to give up; however, this does not have to be your reality.

Never give up on yourself. Have unwavering and unconditional faith in yourself. You will be successful because this is the only option you are giving yourself. You must first believe you are able to achieve your dreams in order to achieve them; otherwise, what is the point? You have to rely on yourself to believe in you because I’ll let you in on a big secret… most people do not even believe in themselves. How could you expect them to believe in you? How can other people believe your success will actualize if you haven’t given yourself the chance to even begin. Now, with that being said, don’t solely pursue said project just to prove other people wrong. Your main focus for your goals has to be yourself at all times. Once started never lose sight of the end goal.

When facing obstacles or setbacks, realize that these minor inconveniences are happening for your benefit. Regardless of how impossible the task at hand seems, do not give up, for giving up on your passions equates giving up on yourself. “What if I have already given up,” you may ask. Well, the answer to that question is to get back up and proceed. The follow-up response to that question may sound something like “but I do not want to start all the way over.” For this I say, but you are not starting over, for you have gained valuable knowledge and experience that you would not have had if you did not experience a setback of some sort. This was simply a delay to guide, prepare, and mold you into someone who is ready to receive what they want. Today, I wish that this has inspired you to have an unwavering belief in yourself to accomplish whatever it is you desire.




I just want to make the world a better place through my writing.