Work in Progress… Enjoy the Journey

2 min readJun 21, 2020

We sometimes become so obsessed with the finish line of reaching our end goal that we forget to enjoy the process. Why are you so in a rush? Granted, there are times when the daily mundane tasks are not so enjoyable and tend to boggle our minds down, but these moments are necessary. There are lessons to be learned from the daily boring, yet sometimes stressful, tasks. Let’s dive deep into them.

1. Patience

I know how difficult it can be to want to rush things. You’ve been working hard for a long period of time, and you are ready to see the fruits of your labor, but developing the essential skill of patience can bring about many benefits. By exercising patience, you are able to focus on other aspects of life. You are able to relax your mind and not worry about every minute detail coming into fruition. You are able to see more clearly the diverse beauty that life has to offer. By not constantly focusing on what we want so intently, we are able to create a more well-rounded life. Life is such a complex and uniquely structured experience. It would be such a waste to simply focus on only one aspect of it. It is such a disservice to ourselves to discount ourselves on the rich substance life has to offer.

2. Struggle

Yes, there are moments when we struggle, and the struggle is REAL! It is important to note that these momentary obstacles are happening for us and not to us, and they are temporary. Life comes in cycles, and the cycle never fails. There are times when we will be victorious, happy, and on top of the world as there will be times we will fail and sink into a sad funk. These moments of struggle tend to be the most significant factor that will test our patience. So yes, not only is the patience a physical concept of waiting while time passes, but it is also an emotional internal battle that we have with ourselves. Learning emotional patience can be a struggle that needs to be remedied in order to level up and reach personal milestones.

3. Relax and Accept

The final factor is to simply relax and enjoy the process. Some things cannot be rushed; for example, when making bread, the yeast has to be activated and allowed to rise for a minimum of 2 hours prior to baking the bread. Well, that is if you want a properly risen loaf of bread. There is no need to stress over factors you cannot control. Take a breather and put your best foot forward each day. Realize that the “best foot” will be different each day, and you will need to modify your expectations for performance that day. You are a continuous work in progress moving along a continuum of self-improvement. You don’t have it all figured out, but hey, neither does anyone else.




I just want to make the world a better place through my writing.